I let blogging fall a bit behind this month because I took a two-week intensive course to finish my Masters and I'm not finished my final paper. I promised myself I would only blog once I finished my final paper, but it looks as though I'm breaking that promise. Anyway, this will only take five minutes (or less).
Baby Z is going to be a year old in a few weeks!!! She has evolved into this wonderful little person who is witty and funny and whom I love beyond words. She starts daycare next week (wish me luck!) and I'm sure that will be a whole new adventure.
She isn't walking yet... but she does stand unassisted for a few seconds (3 Mississippi's is her best so far). She's been learning animal sounds, thanks to my mother-in-law who stayed with us and watched her while I was in my intensive course, and she's got the lion down! Her roar is the cutest thing you'll ever hear (I may be biased). She doesn't do any of the other ones on her own, but we're working on the horse, cow, cat, and dog. Speaking of dogs, she absolutely loves Taco and has figured out how to feed him, which is really bad because he has a weak stomach and throws up whenever he eats human food! She also has a few more words and hand gestures, such as 'bye' with a wave. Sleep is inconsistent, last night she woke up what felt like a bazillion times (teeth?) and the night before that she slept straight through from 7-7! Who knows what's going on with that!
I have to make good use of nap time and my five minutes are up! Next month post will be the birthday one!!!