Thursday, November 18, 2010

A question a day keeps the doctor away?

I have this amazing student who is just too cute and always asks me the most random questions. I'll try to remember most of them and the context they were asked in (it's way cuter that way).

#1 - We were doing an activity about Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone. As he colours, he raises his hand and asks:
 "Who invented shoes?"
"That's a great questions, we'll have to look it up" I answered (turns out shoes have been around for quite a while, basically since human beings realized rocks could hurt our feet, but running shoes have been around since rubber has been around and some say the first were made for basketball (I got my info from Wikipedia))

#2 - Literally out of the blue one day:
"Where did our universe come from?"
"I'm not too sure I understand your question, what do you mean exactly?"
"Well, did someone invent the universe, or did it come from somewhere else?"
(keep in my I teach at a nondenominational school)
"mmm..... have you asked your parents?"
"ya, but they don't know"
"mmm... ok, well let me think about it"
---A day goes by---
"I know who we can ask because he knows EVERYTHING!!!!"
"Really, who's this?"
"My kindergarten teacher"
"Sounds like a plan, you should ask him"
---Time passes---
"So did you ask your kindergarten teacher?"
"So, where did the universe come from?"
"Well, there are lots of different ideas, but lots of people think that there was this big explosion that happened and then BOOM, there was the universe."
"Sounds really interesting."
---More time passes (this was evidently a question that required lots of time and thought in order to be answered to this student's content)---
"You know, some people think God created the universe."
"Ya, I know. What do you think?"
"I don't know."
"I think it's OK not to know, but you've already got two great answers to your question!"

#3 - During center time, when the students can choose their activity, he comes over to me and asks:
"Who invented school?"
"Do you mean the idea of school or our school?"
"No, no, just our school." 
(I'm thinking: phew, an easy one I can look up on our school's website)
"Oh I'll look it up and let you know."
---weeks pass by---
"You still haven't told me who invented the school."
(um ooops, I still haven't told him!)

#4 - While doing a calligraphy assignment, he raises his hand:
"But how can Spiderman see?"
"Um, sorry, what?"
"Well, Spiderman has a mask, but there aren't any holes for his eyes, so how can he see?"
"Oh Ok I understand, come here"
(we have those blinds that are perfect to use as an example, if you look at them from further away they look opaque, but if you get closer, you can see through them because they have little holes)

Ok that's all I can think of right now, but I'll post more if he comes up with more great questions, which I'm sure he will!


  1. You're such a great teacher, Sarah! Those are some great questions and some great answers.

  2. C'est tellement mignon! Je veux marier ton élève! Haha ok non, mais il a l'air vraiment intelligent.
