Wednesday, September 11, 2013

3 weeks in

I don't think I can write a mommy blog, though this post might just prove me wrong. Since the last time I wrote, baby Z is now breastfeeding (without the help of a nipple shield or anything - she's a champ!), my husband has gone back to work and I have started a Master's class.

There is no real 'routine' to be had with a newborn, but basically she wakes up every hour or two during the day to be fed, changed and sometimes to 'play'. Our playtime at this point consists of dancing, singing, making faces at each other and talking. During the night, she sleeps for three to four hours before wanting to be fed and changed. We go for a walk with the dog every day around 4pm. I make a point of making a morning (opening the curtains) and nighttime (massage, story and lullaby) routine so she knows it's day and night. Other than that, we have visitors over to socialize. And that, in a nutshell, is my new life.

When I go to my class and daddy watches her, I am both happy to get some adult interaction and thought-provoking ideas thrown at me (who knew recasts and positive feedback in a language classroom could be negative? Not this language teacher!), while at the same time I miss her terribly. It's odd and very hard to describe!

In a few weeks, baby Z will get to meet her whole extended family and I am super excited for that!

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