Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I spoke too soon..

So you know how I said I luckily hadn't gotten morning sickness at all? Well it turns out I spoke too soon. Who knew it could creep up on you at week 16? I sure didn't! So here I sit, hoping that my breakfast stays down today, Taco napping beside me and knowing I should be reading for my Masters class this evening.

Speaking of Taco, we had a trainer come by on Monday to help us with his bad habits of pulling while on leash and not returning when we call him. She said that we were off to a great start! Taco is such a sweet dog that I knew it wouldn't be terribly difficult to train him but the extra help is very appreciated. She gives us a lot of little tips and tricks and I will definitely let you know how it goes over the next few weeks. We especially wanted to take care of this before baby comes, so Taco doesn't pull me out into the street or anything crazy!

As for my masters in second language education, things are going really well. I'm happy to be back at McGill where I did my undergraduate degree. This semester I'm taking Stats and Critical Race and Indigenous Theory. I hadn't done any math since high school, so stats is definitely a change of pace for me, but it has been going really well. In CRIT, I've been reading about so many things I didn't know about such as slavery in Canada (our history is full of covered-up blemishes of the sort) as well as mass incarceration in the USA.

To those of you who have previously dealt with morning sickness, do you have any tips? I find now I'm afraid of eating!

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