Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I blame it on the pregnancy/baby

I don't even know which one is more politically correct. I guess blaming things on your unborn child is kind of unfair, since he/she doesn't have any way to speak up and argue. On the other hand, blaming the pregnancy makes it sound like I'm possessed by some odd ailment, well I guess in a way I am... but let's get to it shall we? I went grocery shopping yesterday, as I do every Monday, and this is (among other things) what I came home with:

You need to know a few things in order for this to make more sense. We had four buckets of Hagen Daaz ice cream from last week, so it wasn't all purchased yesterday (but really, why did I feel like I absolutely needed two more? They were on sale, but still...). Now, most importantly, I am not a sweet tooth. Whenever I snack, I have chips, Cheetos or popcorn (popcorn is my all-time favourite). When was the last time I ate popcorn? I can't even remember! That's how long it's been. This is why I'm blaming this on the baby. Why else would I be craving sweets so badly that I feel the need to buy three boxes of cookies and have six buckets of ice cream on hand? I'll be going for my gestational diabetes exam in a few weeks... if I keep this up I don't know if I will be more or less at risk!

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