Thursday, August 29, 2013

True that...

Things about parenthood that are true so far:

1. The amount of laundry done each day is exorbitant. Where does all the dirtiness come from? (Ok, I have a few ideas... the main one being diaper changes gone awry)

2. Babies sleep, eat and poop... a lot.

3. The amount of pictures taken per day is also quite exorbitant and yes, we believe our child is the cutest thing ever, as do most parents.

4. It is a good idea to sleep when the baby is sleeping. Cleaning and such can wait (except when it is dirty laundry and you are down to your last diaper shell and a poop explosion happens - true story, happened yesterday).

5. Poop explosions happen and emergency bath times are required to deal with the mess.

6. Mom feeds the baby and dad feeds mom.

Ok that's all I can think of for now! (My brain feels like Swiss cheese and I keep forgetting things!)

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