Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Market time!

Teacher self: I am so excited for tomorrow! This moment right here is how and why I know I am meant to be a teacher. Tomorrow we are setting up a market in our classroom. Today I had the students decide which fruit or vegetable they wanted to sell (they had to work in groups and cooperate to do this... all but two groups were able to do it without my intervention). Then they had to decide how they would sell their fruit (in bunches or one by one) and how much it would cost ($50 strawberries were ruled against by a unanimous vote). Finally (this was the best part for all of us involved) they had to create the product they were selling using paper, magazines, and their imagination. I have some beautiful carrots, strawberries, cherries, watermelons, apples and bananas.

Tomorrow they will have to buy and sell their produce. I'm giddy with anticipation to see whether or not the little munchkins will be able to cooperate, add and subtract to make this thing work!


Wife self: Paul and I mailed all of our immigration documents yesterday! The package is a good inch and a half thick and includes various pictures, emails, journal entries, and even my honeymoon blog entry! Now we wait... it could take up to six months to get an answer... please think of us and hope it's less than that!

Myself: I had a bad bit of PMS the other day and was feeling super negative. I need to remember to count my blessings. By the way, your comments make me feel awesome - I really like knowing that someone out there is reading what I'm writing! Have an awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Few things better than the excitement of children.

    My sole post from Montreal last year and one of my favorite recent memories:
