Saturday, December 18, 2010

Revisiting my goals

Well I've made it! Three weeks of freedom await me - and to those non-teachers reading this and judging: just go teach 29 six-year-olds for a while and tell me you don't need a mental health break.

I figure this would be an appropriate time of year to revisit my goals (read about them here).

Goal #1 - Eat organic food. I can proudly say that this goal has been accomplished! Paul and I have a great variety of vegetarian recipes to choose from for our weekly meals, and we splurge on weekends or when we go out we eat meat. The food we buy is almost always organic AND LOCAL! Jean-Talon market has been a great place for this, but the grocery stores are also great, with two aisles full of organic food, it's hard to go wrong. It's something we believe in and we've been doing well.

Goal #2 - Finding a spiritual group. Major fail. Uh oh. I was afraid this would happen. I feel like anytime you mention the word God or belief people automatically look at you as if you had three eyes. I've had great discussions with friends and family and Paul, of course, but I haven't been able to find that peace and prayer time that I had during the Bible Study I did last year. I'll keep looking!

Goal #3 - Exercise. This went well for a while. After school on Tuesday and Thursday, my two colleagues and I would go swimming. Swimming is AMAZING! It's great for my knee and it's a great way to keep in shape. And it's FREE! Public swimming pools are awesome. But now I don't have the same ride as I did before, so we don't go by the pool on our way home anymore. After Christmas, my new carpool driver colleague friend (hehe what a title for a friend!) mentioned that there is a new hot yoga place opening near our school, so we might go there! I also should try to go to the hot yoga place by my house during the break. I'll keep trying!

In conclusion: I eat well, exercise somewhat and need to pray more!


  1. i am in complete agreement about goal #2... Raquel wasnt able to keep up the bible study, so i'm in the same boat, looking or something similar to the bible study we had last year...miss you!

  2. Way to go with #1! We've been doing the same thing and it feels great. :) I'm not sure what kind of spiritual group you're looking for, but have you checked out the Unitarian church? I loved the MTL community. I was raised Unitarian and there's space for all beliefs, a search for truth, and lots of focus on social justice. Might not be for you, but didn't know if you knew about it.

    Happy Christmas & New Year, SE!
