Saturday, June 11, 2011

A very busy week!

Oh my goodness, you're in for a long post! This is like three-posts-in-one (I didn't know if I should put hyphens there, but I did anyway, I think it looks better this way). OK so first major event: I went to Quebec City with 26 students and everyone came back alive and kicking! Yay! My favourite moments were definitely the re-enactment of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, swimming at Université Laval's Olympic-sized pool and visiting the Parliament building. It was a very educational two-days, and there was never a dull moment. We walked A LOT (I had one little girl in grade four swear to me that her legs would fall off if she took another step, but that fortunately did not happen). There were no injuries, and no major incidents. Two minor incidents occurred. One grade six girl lost her camera on day one, but found it on day two, so that doesn't really count. And on the bus ride back, a student had a major nightmare - sleepwalking thing where he screamed at the top of his lungs and scared everyone, but really, he was OK, so that doesn't really count either. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment:

English vs. French little soldiers with hilarious strategies!

Parliament of Quebec

National Assembly of Quebec

Next super important event, which I'm not sure if I had mentioned previously, is that we officially bought our condo! If anyone out there is a property virgin (I'm copying the term used by HGTV's show), oh my goodness, here are a few things you need to expect: 

1. Falling in love with almost every condo you see.
2. Going back and forth between deciding on one or continuing to look.
3. Continuing to look and seeing horrible condos. 
4. Being super stressed about the possibility that someone might buy your dream condo. 
5. Someone buying your dream condo.
6. Going back to the drawing-board, looking some more, not being sure, feeling like giving up, thinking 'this is such a huge investment I don't know what to do', thinking about all of the pros and cons of every decent place you visited, thinking about location, cost, etc...
7. Finally deciding on a place and reserving it (ours is a new development so we didn't have to do the make an offer and wait thing - I don't think I could have handled that - I was stressed enough about this huge decision as it was)
8. Waiting to get the mortgage loan approved at the bank.
9. Finally putting the down-payment on the place and looking forward to having your own place!

That red dot means it's OURS!
So that's where we're at now. But now we are in another overwhelming part of the process because as I mentioned, we are buying a new development so we have to choose EVERYTHING! I'm great at decision-making in my classroom, in a crisis situation, or at a restaurant, but not when it comes to LONG-TERM, you-have-to-see-it-every-day, very high-commitment-type decisions (and yes, I do realize I am married, haha). I already have asked for advice from a few friends, and we have started shopping online, but we are a long way from being finished this 'choosing the options' part of the deal. 

Finally, I'd like to end this post with a few concert pictures and stories. Monday night, my cousin's fiancee calls me up and says:
Her - How'd you like to go to the NKOTBSB concert tomorrow night? 
Me - Um I'd LOVE to! How much are the tickets?
Her - Oh don't worry about it, I've got box seats! 
Um ya, so I unexpectedly went to an AWESOME show in a super posh and swanky way. I felt so important! And the concert was amazing! I'm more of a Backstreet Boys fan, but I recognized and sang along with almost all of the New Kids on the Block songs as well! Their singing and dancing was awesome, and it was great to feel like I was 15 again! It brought back great memories! 

I took these with my phone, so the quality isn't great, but you can tell the Bell Center was packed!
The festival season has arrived here in Montreal and right now the Grand Prix weekend, the Francofolies and the Beer Festival are all going on at the same time! Last night we went to see Marie-Mai at a free outdoor concert and boy can she sing! It was a great show! 

So there you have it! Quite an update! As the summer progresses, I'm sure I will have more interesting posts about life (we're moving soon) and various festival events! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new condo! How exciting! It's funny to read your "property virgin" list, because it's so true. I remember being there!
