Sunday, September 12, 2010


Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the complexity of my job. I might not be able to express how complex it is, but trust me, it is. When you think of teaching, you probably think about the basic (well what I consider to be basic) aspects of the job: the actual teaching (you in front of students explaining, demonstrating, or asking questions so they'll create their own learning... etc.), the planning and the evaluating aspects. But then there are the hidden parts of the job.

Some are more obvious than others. You have to be a nurse, because heads will hurt, noses will run, vomit and pee will happen. You have to be a psychologist, because people will die, tragedies and emergencies will happen. You have to be a mother, because some children don't get enough hugs, clean clothes, or food at home. You have to be a conflict resolver, because life just isn't fair. You have to be a problem solver, because sitting 29 students comfortably in a classroom isn't easy. Oh and an interior designer, to give your room just that 'look' and 'feel' it needs.

Now the part I am really working on this weekend is hard to describe. I am trying to plan so that my classroom will function smoothly, yet also be representative of me in a way. I learned so much the past two years in Puebla teaching in an IBO school and I really love the PYP program and the transition from that to  the more traditional school I am teaching at right now is a bit difficult. How do I make my classroom come alive with experiments and curiosity and research and art projects without compromising the skills and curriculum I need to get through? That balancing act is the hardest part of teaching, in my opinion. I am going to take some time to get into the routine of teaching at this school and see how things go, but I am hoping that in a week or two (or a month), I'll be able to add my flavour to the teaching! To all the teachers out there, if you have any advice on how to make this happen more quickly, please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. :) I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!!!!!!!!!! Tu as très bien décrit le métier :) et pourtant la plupart des gens résument ce métier aux horaires "légers" et à la grande quantité de vacances...

    C'est fou parce que j'ai eu les mêmes "concerns" il y a quelques jours - c'était un peu la panique.
    Mais on va y arriver :) courage et n'oublies pas que tu as le droit de prendre ton temps pour ces choses!
