Saturday, March 12, 2011

A (very long) day in the life...

Today I feel like sharing what it's like to be me. So here is what a day in my shoes looks like. Most of it happens every weekday (give or take a few details) and the after school stuff was a one-time thing, but it makes the story more exciting (at least I think it does).

5:50am - wake up, go to the bathroom, get dressed, wash face, brush teeth (I hate the icky morning breath taste in my mouth so yes I brush my teeth before I eat breakfast), do hair (ponytail or mousse), do makeup
6:15am - take lunch out of the fridge and place it near my bag (I make my lunch the night before), pour coffee and cereal, add milk (2% for cereal, 3.85% for coffee), drink & eat while checking mail, facebook and blogs on my iPhone (yesterday also included BBC news because of many statuses along the lines of 'my prayers are with Japan')
6:30am - transfer coffee from normal to traveller's mug, go to the bathroom, say goodbye to Paul, get dressed and leave the house (the walk to the metro was treacherous because of ice hiding under big puddles)
6:45am - take the metro
7:00am - meet my friend G for a ride to school
7:30am - arrive at school, say hi to people, go by the staff room
7:35am - get to my classroom, change the schedule of the day, write the morning message
7:40am - I was on supervision duty this week so I supervised students' arrival
7:55am - bell rings, kids start coming into the classroom - they start in gym though, so I worked away on report cards
9:35am - pick the students up from gym class, stop for bathroom and water, have them eat a snack and do the spelling test right away
10:35am - English class - more report card time for me (and correcting the spelling tests and planning for next week)
11:25am - lunch time = eat and laugh with colleagues who say inappropriate things
12:25pm - students come in from lunch recess and we have 10 mins relaxation time (yesterday we listened to 'Hey Jude' by the Beatles)
12:35pm - morning routine (which is usually at 8 or so, but since our Friday schedule is different, we do it the afternoon) Morning routine includes reading the morning message, checking the weather and filling out the graph, putting a shape on the calendar on today's date, and counting - yesterday we counted even numbers to 100
1:00pm - calligraphy homework - the students are really quiet while they do this, I feel it's a bit like doing a mandala, they are super concentrated
1:30pm - the students leave for recess, I don't have to supervise so I stay in with the ones who need extra help or time to finish up work
2:00pm - relaxation time ('Nous aurons' de Richard Desjardin) and deal with recess conflicts, I had one student come in absolutely bawling her eyes out, but she calmed down
2:10pm - finish up the homework
2:30pm - prepare backpacks - I give out the work I corrected for the students to take home and get signed, important notices from the office, etc.
3:00pm - finish reading 'Puss in Boots' which they absolutely LOVED!
3:20pm - get dressed and ready to go
3:30pm - bell rings, I take the students outside and say hi to a few parents, and supervise for a bit
3:40pm - back inside, prepare things for Monday
4:00pm - leave school with a different ride since I'm not going straight home
4:30pm - arrive at a community center in Anjou where I had to meet a friend. I'll be starting a new job soon (leading motor skills activities with 1 to 4 year olds on Saturday mornings) so I needed to fill out some paperwork. It turns out I was in the wrong building, so a few phone calls later, I arrived where I was supposed to be.
4:45pm - get a T-shirt and the program for the activities I'll be leading, fill out the appropriate paperwork (call my brother and my sister because I forget my social insurance number and ours are very similar since my parents asked for them at the same time)
5:20pm - leave with my friend and her colleague, get a phone call from my parents saying they'll be eating downtown and do I want to join them? I'm pretty far from downtown so I tell them I'll meet them for desert
6:00pm - a bus and metro ride later, I arrive at Berri-Uqam (downtown) and eat a sub at Quizno's (I was super hungry - remember the last time I ate was at 11:25am!). Walk towards L'Académie (the restaurant my parent's are at) and talk to my brother
6:30pm - arrive at the restaurant at the same time dinner arrives for my parents (they had taken forever with their starters in case I wanted to join them for dinner, how sweet!), eat a bit of my mom's calamari. Order three crème brulées for desert. The fire alarm starts to ring so my first instinct is to evacuate, but nobody seems to care about the deafening noise. Our waiter tells us a steak was burned in the kitchen but everything is OK. Our desert comes and the fire alarm rings again and again and again, until the owner comes to tell us dinner is free and we should leave. So my parents go a LOT of food for free!
8:00pm - My parents drive me home and I see the snow plow go by and think of all of my friends who have never seen a snow plow.
8:15pm - I come home to this:

Can we say Best Husband EVER?????  I think so! He arrived shortly after I got home.
We watched the news on TV - the images from Japan are truly terrifying! I hope they are able to recover quickly.
9:30pm - completely crash on the couch. Get up, brush my teeth, wash my face and fall into a deep and glorious sleep.

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